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Weekly Shabbat Dinner - May 7th, 2021 - AishLIT Website
Lit'Prenuers - AishLIT Website
Third Annual Winter Wonderland Shabbat - AishLIT Website

Lit'Preneurs - Decemeber
Girls Shabbat Dinner - Morrys Fireplace - AishLIT
LIT Hanukkah Bash
Friends Giving Shabbat

Lit' Prenuers
Taco Tequila Tuesday with Marc Firestine
Shira's Challah Bake - AishLT Website
AISHLIT Shabbat Lunch at Morry's - AishLIT Website

Shabbat Under the Stars - AishLIT Website
Sukkot Shabbat Dinner - AishLIT Website
Sukkot Lit Shabbaton - AishLIT Website
Sukkot Festive Dinner - AishLIT Website

Sukkot Lunch in the Sukkah - AishLIT Website
Sukkot Happy Hour - AishLIT Website

AishLIT High Holidays Services
Taco Tequila Torah Tuesday 2021 - AishLIT Website

AishLIT High Holidays Dinner
AishLIT Shabbat Dinner 2021
Shavuot Lunch in the Yard - AishLIT Website
Shavuot Dinner - AishLIT Website

Sahbbat Dinner - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul, Bamidbar - AishLIT Website
Weekly Shabbat Dinner - May 7th, 2021 - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Behar, Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website

YP Lag B'Omer BBQ - AishLIT Website
Life lessons from the Parsha, Emor, Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website
Life Lesoons from the Parsha, Acharai Moti, Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website
Yom Hatzmaout Bar Night - AishLIT Website

Life Lessons from the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul, Parshat Tezria - AishLIT Website
In-Person Holocust Surviver Night - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Parshat Shemini - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Tzav - AishLIT Website

Shteig #12 - AishLIT Website

The Path to Freedom - AishLIT Website

Life Lessons from the Parsha - Parshat Vayakhel
The Path to Freedom - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT
The Path to Freedom - AishLIT Website

Front Yard Drive-By - AishLIT Website
AishLIT Meghilla Reading - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Tetzaveh - AishLIT Website
Shteig #9 - AishLIT Website

Hamantashen Bakeoff Party - AishLIT Website
Adar Happy Hour - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul, Parshat Terumah - AishLIT Website
Shteig #8 - AishLIT Website

Rosh Chodesh Adar Happiness Game - AishLIT Website
Rosh Chodesh Adar Box - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons form the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul, Parshat Mishpatim - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Yitro with Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website

Behind the Hollywood Stars - AishLIT Website
Shteig Week 7 - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Beshelach with Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website
Tu B'Shbox - AishLIT Website

Shteig Tu B'Shevat Edition - AishLIT Website
The Enemy Called Average - AishLTI Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website
Pre Shabbat Live with Tehila - AishLIT Website

Live Shabbat Cooking with the Melul's - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha with Rabbi Jack Melul, Parshat Vaera - AishLIT Website
All About the COVID Vaccine - AishLIT Website
Life Lessons from the Parsha, Shemot with Rabbi Jack Melul - AishLIT Website